How To Improve Your Success With IVF

Did you know that the IVF success rate for women below the age of 35 is at 40%?

Although in vitro fertilization is considered as the most successful of assisted reproductive treatments, many factors — both with males and females — have an influence on how effective it will be for you.

These factors include:

Age – The older you are, the lower the quality and quantity of your egg/sperm.

Previous pregnancies – If you have been pregnant before (with a successful birth) and are still with the same partner, this increases your chances of success.

Fertility Issues – The causes of female infertility usually include hormonal imbalances, ovulation problems, and uterine or fallopian tube damage. As for male infertility, this can be abnormal sperm production, testicle blockages, ejaculation issues, or varicoceles.


While the success rate for IVF can’t be at a hundred percent, there are ways that you can have a better shot at it.

3 Ways To Increase Your Chances Of Conceiving With IVF

Stop Smoking

If you are a smoker, stopping at least three months before you start your IVF treatment will drastically increase your success rate. If you continue smoking, you’re more likely to encounter problems like:

Needing higher doses of the fertility drug to stimulate sperm or ovary production
Requiring more IVF attempts/rounds compared to non-smokers
Higher rates of fertilization and conception failures

Maintain A Healthy Weight Level

Weight is another factor to keep in check if you’re planning on having a child. Aside from decreasing their success rate for IVF treatments, both overweight and underweight women have a bigger infertility and miscarriage risk than women who are within the healthy weight range for their height and age.

maintain a healthy weight level

Have Your Fertility Issues Treated ASAP

Whether you feel that your fertility problems are “minor” or not, it’s important that you don’t delay having them treated. The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be to improve your fertility.

If you’re looking for a fertility clinic that provides IVF treatments in Davao, IVF Davao is the most trusted provider in the city that offers reasonable prices and payment packages.

Your Fertility Questions Answered

Any person who has gone through struggles with fertility know how muddled one’s mind can get during this period. What am I possibly doing wrong that’s making this difficult? What am I allowed to do? These questions can make you feel like trying to get pregnant will keep you from doing other things in your life – this is not true, and preparing yourself with information is key.

As the most trusted authority on in vitro fertilization in Davao, we want to make sure your questions on how to live life while trying to get pregnant are answered.

How does stress affect chances at pregnancy?

Stress is a widely acknowledged cause for irregular hormone levels, not infertility itself. Chronic stress can lead to a delayed release of a woman’s egg or a complete absence of it. In males, it may result in poor sperm quality or sexual dysfunction. Both situations may make it difficult to conceive, but not impossible.


Better stress management, whether it’s stress from work or stress brought about by fertility treatment itself, helps to regulate hormone levels and sexual functioning to achieve conception sooner. Aerobic exercise, walking, yoga, and relaxation training are just some of the things one can do to improve their well-being when trying to get pregnant.

Is it safe to get vaccinated when trying to get pregnant?

When you’re trying to get pregnant, getting vaccinated may be the last thing on your mind, but doing so can help prevent further complications, especially if you’re prone to exposure to certain illnesses or are planning to travel soon. It is always best to carry and bear a child completely healthy.

Some vaccines are best administered at least a month before the woman plans to conceive, such as vaccines for chicken pox or rubella. Others, like vaccines for hepatitis A/B or the influenza virus are perfectly safe to receive while pregnant.

It is also important to note that there is no medical evidence showing that vaccinations cause autism or other issues in children. Fearing and avoiding vaccination because of this may only lead to further harm for both mother and child in the future.

Does depression affect fertility?

While depression itself may not have a direct effect on one’s fertility per se, depression treatment and behavior associated with coping with depression, as well as medications, are known to do so, particularly in males.

Antidepressants, in particular, can affect a man’s hormones in such a way that their sex drive may be lowered and erectile dysfunction may be experienced. Also, antidepressants have been observed to cause higher DNA fragmentation in sperm, making the fertilization of an egg more difficult.

Does a history of birth control use make a difference?

Depending on what type of contraceptive you may have been using prior to your decision to conceive, you can either expect to get pregnant soon after stopping or have to wait awhile. It also matters if you employed a reversible or irreversible method of contraception.

For most methods, it doesn’t have to take a while. After coming off the pill (both progestin-only pills and combination pills) or getting your IUD or hormonal implant taken out, pregnancy is possible right away. If you’ve been using injected contraception or “the shot,” however, it may take a while for your body to allow pregnancy.

If you’ve undergone an irreversible procedure such as a vasectomy or tubal ligation, there may be an extremely slim chance of getting pregnant naturally, and a reasonably good chance of achieving pregnancy with assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF.

There are so many things you’ll want to consider when you’re trying to conceive, and these may be just some of the things on your mind. Remember that this only serves as a guide for consultation and that it is always best to talk to your specialist for any concerns you have.

If you’re in the Philippines and are looking for reliable specialists to consult with on your fertility journey, you can look to the most trusted IVF clinic in Davao. Visit our website and schedule an appointment with one of our specialists today.

Common Fertility Issues for Men and Women, Answered Through IVF

Before the development of (in vitro fertilization) IVF in the Philippines, people that suffered from infertility used to accept the fact that they were unable to reproduce and have children of their own.

Through the years, IVF has progressed immensely and is renewing the hopes of these people.

Now that there is a clinic that specializes in vitro fertilization in Davao, more people are seeing their hopes renewed as more possibilities are now open for them. IVF basically looks at fertility problems and uses modern solutions to get around these problems.

Most problems with fertility are usually caused by interruptions in the fertility process.


Women’s Fertility Issues

For women, the fertility process is about the production of the egg, which will be moved to the uterus where the sperm can fertilize it. The egg turns into an embryo, then it moves to the wall of the uterus and grows. Anything that interrupts or interferes with the process could be the cause of infertility.

Endometriosis, for example, is one of the most common causes of infertility. This particular condition causes scar tissue to appear in the fallopian tubes, blocking the fertilization process.

Through IVF, the eggs can be extracted directly from the ovaries. The fertilization process can then happen in the IVF lab.

Is Age a Factor?

Another common factor many believe to be causing fertilization problems is age. People in their 30’s are expected to have complications in fertility. While that may be true, IVF can definitely help with that.

With the help of fertilization medication, a woman well into her 30’s can still produce multiple eggs.

IVF makes it possible for women to have multiple births as the woman and the IVF specialist can decide how many embryos can be implanted in the uterus.

Men’s Fertility Issues

When it comes to fertility for men, it’s all about producing healthy sperm. The sperm should be able to make it to the woman’s uterus so it can fertilize the egg.

If the sperm produced is not healthy, there is a possibility that it can’t penetrate through the egg.

Some unhealthy sperm won’t even make it to the egg after failing to survive in the uterus’s mucus. Infertility is can also be caused by a blockage in the tubes where sperm and semen are mixed.

Through IVF, the sperm can be extracted directly from the testicles and will be used to fertilize the egg in the IVF labs.

There is an IVF process that even helps with low sperm count. Some situations even require the sperm to be injected into the egg for fertilization.


All these processes used to sound like something that is only achievable in more developed countries, but the Philippines has caught up with the developments.

There is an IVF clinic in Davao that is giving hope to a lot of people in Mindanao who are suffering from infertility. Consult with your fertility specialist today and know more about the possibilities that are now open for you.